
At Plas-Pak (WA), we believe that we have a responsibility to our environment. Our business policies and procedures govern the minimisation of plastic packaging waste and conservation of energy wherever possible.

Recyclable Products
We aim to manufacture and supply fully recyclable plastic products.  By definition, this means packaging that meets accepted design standards for recyclability, i.e. packaging with the right attributes for successful collection, sorting, and recycling in the real world.

Waste and Scrap Reduction
Plas-Pak WA continually implements ways to reduce waste and scrap and our employees work diligently towards our shared goal of zero landfill. Substantial reductions to our scrap rate have been achieved in an effort to improve the sustainability of our operations. This reduction minimises the consumption of energy and other resources

Carbon Footprint Reduction with Solar Energy
As part of our Company’s commitment to develop and implement sustainable environmental practices, we successfully installed a100kW solar PV system and energy monitoring system with our solar installer, Infinite Energy, in 2016.

Australian Packaging Covenant
We are a signatory to the Australian Packaging Covenant The Australian Packaging Covenant(APC) is a sustainable packaging initiative which aims to change the culture of business to design more sustainable packaging, increase recycling rates and reduce packaging litter.

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